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Brit Milah / Baby Naming

The welcoming of a new life into the world is amongst the greatest of miracles, one marked with special Jewish rituals.

A boy is entered into the Jewish community through brit milah, or the covenant of circumcision. The ritual of brit milah dates back to Abraham, the first Jew, and is, as the Torah prescribes (Genesis 17:12), held on the child’s eighth day of life, with the child’s day of birth counting as the first day.

The brit milah ceremony includes two main components, the ritual circumcision, as well as the Hebrew naming of the infant boy. A mohel, or Jewish doctor with special training in the ritual aspects of brit milah, performs the circumcision and officiate the ceremony with one or more members of the TBS clergy. To discuss a brit milah or to find out about local mohalim, please reach out to one of our rabbis.

Baby girls are welcomed into the Jewish community through a naming ritual. Most often this takes place on Shabbat morning. The parents of the young baby girl are first honored with an aliyah. Following the aliyah, the Hebrew name of the baby girl is announced with a special naming blessing and the couple is invited to share a few words about the name(s) with the congregation. The rabbi then speaks to the family and presents them with a naming certificate and a gift.

Alternatively, some families choose to have a private naming ceremony which consists of special prayers, readings, and song and is officiated by one or more of the TBS clergy.

Both a brit milah as well as private baby naming ceremony can be held in the home or by renting a space at TBS.

Please be in touch with the TBS clergy with any questions.

For additional information and scheduling, please contact Allison Borenstein.

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784