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		                                    TBS Sisterhood		                                </span>


TuesdayTue, 30 JulJuly, 2024

Sisterhood Mah Jongg

Tuesday, Jul 30th 7:00p


ThursdayThu, 15 AugAugust, 2024

Summer Scoops

Thursday, Aug 15th 6:00p


The Sisterhood of Temple Beth Sholom is a unifying force that brings together women from diverse age groups and life stages, fostering connections that center around their experiences, professions, principles, and individual journeys. Our collective effort cultivates a vibrant and welcoming community, dedicated to bolstering initiatives that benefit not only our synagogue but also extend to the wider community and the global Jewish sphere.

Within our Sisterhood, members are presented with a myriad of opportunities for personal enhancement and the cultivation of meaningful friendships. We embrace intellectual exploration, engage in acts of community service, nurture the growth of leadership skills, and honor the profound worth of our Jewish heritage. Furthermore, our commitment extends tangibly, as Sisterhood plays a pivotal role in providing financial backing to Temple Beth Sholom. Through the sponsorship of events designed to enrich the Jewish experience within our Congregation, we contribute substantially to the spiritual and communal life of our synagogue.

Sisterhood's offerings cater to the diverse interests and aspirations of every woman. Whether seeking personal growth, establishing connections, serving the community, or exploring leadership pathways, there is a place for every individual within our programs.

For additional information contact Sisterhood President, Ally Pollack.

Sisterhood Board Portal


Torah Fund is the dedicated
philanthropy campaign of Womens League for Conservative Judaism. Your Torah Fund contribution strengthens and perpetuates Conservative/Masorti Judaism throughout the world. The campaign ensures our legacy to future generations of Conservative Jews by providing funds to Rabbis, Cantors, Educators, Administrators, Social Workers, Scholars and Professional/Lay Leaders.

Each year we host a brunch to celebrate your contributions at many levels. A beautiful pin, as well as 10 complimentary Torah Fund cards, is our gift to you with a donation at the Benefactor Level of $180 or more. For more information contact Ruth Abrams, Torah Fund Chair. 

Send Special Occasion and Memorial Cards

We have cards for all life cycle events that can be sent at a cost of only $5. Contact Jo-Ann Waxman or Sue Anolik. Please put "Torah Fund Card" in your subject line of the email.

Birkat Hamazon Weekday

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784