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Shabbat & Holidays

Shabbat Morning Service

The Saturday morning service has several sections. We use the red Siddur Lev Shalem prayer books and begin with Birkhot HaShahar and P’sukei D’zimra (the Morning Blessings and Psalms). Then we continue with Shaharit (the Morning Service) which contains two of the most important prayers in the Jewish liturgy – the Shema and the Amidah


The Torah Service

Reading and studying the weekly Torah and Haftarah portions is the central part of our service. During the Torah reading there are seven or more aliyot (Torah blessings). We use the large red Etz Hayim Humash volumes during this section of our morning service.

During the Torah reading, usually after the fifth aliyah, we pause to recite a prayer for a speedy recovery for those who are ill. Congregants will be given an opportunity to stand at their seats and say the name for whom you are offering this prayer out loud, using either the Hebrew or English name. The Cantor leads us in singing the special prayer written by the late Debbie Friedman, also found at the back of the red Etz Hayim Humash.

Musaf Service

The final part of the service is the Musaf service. Towards the end of the service we sing Bim Bam and invite all of the children to the bimah where they will get some sweets. This section concludes with the Kiddush (a public recitation of the prayers over wine), ritual hand washing, and challah

Oneg Shabbat or Kiddush

The reception for all congregants and guests follows in the Friedman Social Hall or Helman Auditorium. TBS Kiddush is an opportunity for our community to gather and socialize, build connections, and celebrate Shabbat, holidays, life-cycle events, and other s’mahot together. We hope that you’ll join us following the service.

Additional Ways to Celebrate Shabbat as a Family at TBS

Our Family Shabbat services are upbeat, family-centered ways to celebrate Shabbat in an engaging atmosphere. A complete listing of family and youth services may be found in the weekly Shabbat announcements located on the sanctuary lobby tables.

Sun, October 27 2024 25 Tishrei 5785