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Hesed Committee
Our mission is to spread kindness to our TBS community and offer assistance when needed.
We are always looking for volunteers. Your time and participation is appreciated.
Projects this year include:
- Provide rides to TBS - for activities, Shabbat, etc.
- Friendly Visitors - visit our congregants
- Letter Writing
- Group Baking and Cooking for Special Deliveries to our TBS members
- Yahrzeit Project
Click here to complete the Google form to let us know how you would like to help
Contact Jodi Ziets, the Hesed Committee Chair for more details: jodiziets@comcast.net
Hesed is currently seeking volunteers to provide rides to shul for Shabbat Services. If you are interested in volunteering, email jodiziets@comcast.net.

Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
The TBS website was made possible by a generous donation from the TBS Endowment Fund.
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