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Report to the Board of Directors

01/30/2025 12:40:55 PM


Ron Safier, Executive Director

These are some of the updates that I reported to the Board of Directors last week: 

I am very excited to report that we now have more than 900 household memberships (904 to be exact), including 172 Plus Givers, a new high for us! In addition, we now have a total of twenty-seven corporate sponsors (another new high), with six new corporate sponsors this year and one sponsor who increased their sponsorship from Silver to...Read more...

A Hanukkah Message 

12/19/2024 02:14:42 PM


Ron Safier, Executive Director

We started our Hanukkah celebration a little early this year this past Sunday evening with our annual fireworks celebration at Kellman Brown Academy (special thank-you to Gancz Contracting for sponsoring the event). Thankfully, the weather cooperated for us, both on the day of the event and leading up to the event. It is ironic that last year, the fireworks celebration was canceled due to rain, and this year, it was close to being...Read more...

There is No "I" in TEAM

10/31/2024 11:57:12 AM


Ron Safier, Executive Director

The High Holy Days have come and gone, and from an internal staff standpoint, we get to exhale, albeit very briefly, as we continue to move forward with yet another full programmatic/school year. There is no "I" in TEAM, which is...Read more...


10/09/2024 03:31:29 PM


Ron Safier, Executive Director

I recently picked up my dry cleaning, and a tag with the words “Do-Over” was attached to one of my shirts that needed to be repaired. With Yom Kippur approaching, this little message from my dry cleaner really got me thinking. What do-overs do I need in my life? 

A do-over is...

A New Year Begins

09/05/2024 12:00:30 PM


Ron Safier, Executive Director

It’s still summer, right? Well, technically, it is at least for another 17 days. But Labor Day has come and gone, and so has the “real” summer, just like that, in the blink of an eye like it always does, and the next school/programmatic year begins. While things do get quieter here in the summer, we remain very busy preparing for the coming year, and thankfully, the High Holy Days are later this year, giving the staff a little extra...Read more...

Phishing Scam Awareness

06/20/2024 12:09:41 PM


Ron Safier, Executive Director

Just a friendly reminder to BE AWARE OF EMAIL AND TEXT PHISHING SCAMS! Email and text phishing scams are carried out by tech-savvy con...Read more...

About Last Night

06/06/2024 03:12:49 PM


Ron Safier, Executive Director

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend the Annual Meeting last night, both in person and via livestream. And thank you, Warren and Becky Levy, for sponsoring the event. For those of you who were unable to attend or view the livestream, below are my comments for the staff years of service awards. 

I never imagined that one day I would be the executive director of a synagogue. It is not like I told...Read more...

Building Updates

05/23/2024 10:06:13 AM


Ron Safier, Executive Director

If you have been in the building in recent weeks you probably noticed the construction for the Memorial Alcove expansion, which has become necessary to create more wall space to accommodate future Yahrzeit plaques. Thank you Jeff Aaronson for the avodat kodesh, holy work, that you do to...Read more...

Board of Directors Report Excerpts

04/25/2024 03:20:12 PM


Ron Safier, Executive Director

Hag Pesah Sameah! I hope everyone is having a meaningful Passover. Just a reminder about the Basic Life Support and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Training that we will be hosting on Sunday, May 5 from 10am to 2pm. There is no cost to attend, but space is very limited (3 spots remaining as of this writing) and registration is required to attend. Please email to register.

Below are excerpts of my report to...

Safety Training Continues

04/18/2024 12:06:06 PM


Ron Safier, Executive Director

In my last communication, I thanked all those who attended our Stop the Bleed training which taught all attendees how to recognize life-threatening bleeding and how to act quickly and effectively to control bleeding. We now have stop the bleed kits in the Sanctuary, the Education Office, the front desk, and the security desk, with staff and congregants who now know how to use them if needed. In our ongoing effort to provide security and...Read more...

Stop-the-Bleed Training

03/07/2024 10:08:52 AM


Ron Safier, Executive Director

Thank you to everyone who attended our Stop-the-Bleed Training last week.  Those who attended included staff as well as congregants. The purpose of the training was to prepare the attendees to recognize and act quickly and effectively to control bleeding. We now have several Stop-the-Bleed kits in various areas of the building, including the sanctuary, the education office, the front desk, and the security desk, with staff...Read more...

Security Update

12/21/2023 03:52:07 PM


Ron Safier, Executive Director

Relationships are vital when it comes to strong security protocols, especially during times like this when antisemitism is on the rise. There are numerous aspects to our security measures, for both cyber security and physical security, and the relationships that we have with local law enforcement, certain vendors, and our neighbors, are all part of our security plan. Yes, we have all the necessary “target hardening” components in place...Read more...

Showing Up

12/14/2023 02:31:57 PM


Ron Safier, Executive Director

Please continue to show up for Israel, and please continue to show up for TBS. 

Golda Meir had a famous quote: “There are those who love you, and there are those who love you and show up.”

Not sure what’s more inspiring, the number of volunteers I recently worked with at the Hatzerim army base who showed up to help the IDF, the numerous countries that they represent, or the number of volunteers who aren’t Jewish...Read more...

This Time It's Different

12/06/2023 10:19:31 AM


Ron Safier, Executive Director

I have been to Israel numerous times, and this is my fourth time as a volunteer for the IDF, but this time it looks and feels different. While the flight was full, which was nice to see, I was surprised how deserted Ben Gurion airport was when I...Read more...

Going there to help...helps me feel less helpless.

11/29/2023 04:48:51 PM


Ron Safier, Executive Director

I never would have thought that less than two months after volunteering for the IDF this past summer I would be signing up to go back. But that’s what I did on October 7. Why? The atrocities of the massacre were so horrific, so barbaric, and so numerous, that I knew the response would be severe and volunteers would be needed. I was placed on a waitlist because the situation was too chaotic, there was not enough space and beds for the...Read more...

Content With Our Portion

11/21/2023 03:31:42 PM


Ron Safier, Executive Director

“Who is rich? Those who are content with their portion.” - Pirkei Avot

This is one of my favorite teachings from Pirkei Avot (Teachings of the Sages). It is one that I think about often, and especially on Thanksgiving, because for me it speaks about gratitude and appreciation. I often think about my portion, but not the tangible, material aspects of my portion (don’t get me wrong, I am very thankful for my material possessions)....Read more...

Doing Well and Doing Good

11/16/2023 02:50:32 PM


Ron Safier, Executive Director

After my father passed away in 1977, my mom and I had a tradition of attending Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services (almost) every year together at our synagogue in Cedarhurst, Long Island until she entered a nursing home in 2011. One year the Rabbi gave a sermon on the difference between doing well and doing good, meaning that it’s great for you to do well financially, but make sure that you are also doing good for society. That always...Read more...

Security Update

09/21/2023 11:45:47 AM


Ron Safier, Executive Director

Shanah Tovah! I hope this email finds you all safe and well in our first week of 5784. Safety remains a top priority at TBS, and with careful consideration, a high standard of security procedures for the High Holy Days have been put into place. In addition to the security procedures that are in place throughout the year at TBS, Cherry Hill Police, JFED Security, and other professional security personnel will be on site both in the building...Read more...

Gearing up for a Sweet New Year

08/31/2023 12:20:51 PM


Ron Safier, Executive Director

And just like that the summer is (almost) over. Always goes too fast. We are hard at work preparing for the High Holy Days and the programmatic year. 

Please remember to submit your school registration forms and membership renewal forms with your High Holy Day seating/livestream requests ASAP if you have not done so already. 

High Holy Day packets, which will include your tickets, will be available for pickup in...Read more...

Hineni - I Am Here. 

08/17/2023 12:17:46 PM


Ron Safier, Executive Director

A couple of months ago I received an email that the IDF needed more volunteers due to an uptick in terrorist activity. So I signed up. Hineni. I didn’t know where they would send me or what my role would be. Didn’t matter, because for me that’s part of the excitement...Read more...

Greetings from Israel! 

08/10/2023 10:35:53 AM


Ron Safier, Executive Director

I am currently volunteering for the IDF for two weeks on an army base in the central district of Israel near a town called Petah Tikvah, its name meaning Door of Hope. Every morning, before we begin our workday, we meet in a common area of the base...Read more...

Tempus Fugit

06/22/2023 11:00:23 AM


Ron Safier, Executive Director

This Sunday evening marks the eighth Yahrzeit of my mom’s passing. Feels like it was just last summer. Amazing how fast time is flying (Tempus Fugit is the Latin term for time flies in case you were wondering). Of course I will light a Yahrzeit candle and recite the Mourner’s Kaddish. And if I can carve out the time, I will make the 15-hour drive to Long Island (slight exaggeration) to visit my mom’s grave site. And I will remind my 3...Read more...

Annual Meeting Excerpts

06/08/2023 11:15:18 AM


Ron Safier, Executive Director

Thank you to everyone who attended the Annual Meeting last night either in-person or via the livestream. Below are excerpts of my report, and pre-recorded videos from myself, our Treasurer, Marc Oppen, and the Presidents of Hazak, Alvin Stern, Men’s Club, Mike Perlow, and Sisterhood, Sherrie Cohen, can be viewed here

Thank you to all of you who are here this evening, and to those of you who...Read more...

Report to the Board of Directors

05/25/2023 10:58:26 AM


Ron Safier, Executive Director

Thank you to everyone who attended the congregational security drill last week. If you were not able to attend but would like to learn about our procedures during an emergency, please reach out to me to schedule a time to review. More on that, membership renewal, and other topics can be found in excerpts of my report below to the Board of Directors at our Board meeting last night.  

Membership renewal for the 2023/2024-5784 year...

Membership Renewals

05/11/2023 11:43:25 AM


Ron Safier, Executive Director

This coming Tuesday, May 16, at 6:45pm we will be conducting a congregational security drill on responding to an active shooter event. It is very important to have a plan in place for worst case scenarios, and to conduct drills to practice those plans. We recently conducted Run/Hide/Fight active shooter drills with faculty, staff, and clergy, and it is time once again to practice these drills with the congregation at large. So, whether you...Read more...

Congregational Updates

05/04/2023 11:58:49 AM


Ron Safier, Executive Director

As we are nearing the end of the current fiscal year, which runs from July 1 to June 30, we prepare for membership renewal for the coming year, as membership and dues at TBS are renewed on a yearly basis. So, please keep an eye out for an email the week of May 15th with information regarding the membership renewal process for 2023/2024 (5784), including a link that will allow you to submit your membership renewal electronically. There will...Read more...

Board of Directors Meeting - April (Executive Director Summary)

04/20/2023 12:38:24 PM


Ron Safier, Executive Director

I hope everyone had a nice and meaningful Pesah and enjoyed your time with family and friends. And hopefully you enjoyed some downtime as well (I did). Below are excerpts of my report at the Board of Directors meeting last night: 

At our Board meeting last month I reported that I received notice from FEMA of confirmation that a payment of 78k had been approved for reimbursement of PPE expenses incurred in fiscal years 2020...Read more...

Executive Director Message: Congregational Security Training

03/23/2023 01:25:26 PM


Ron Safier, Executive Director

SAVE THE DATE! On Tuesday, May 16 at 6:45pm we will be conducting a very important congregational security training on responding to an active shooter event. Security continues to be our highest priority, and we are continually evaluating our procedures and infrastructure to provide a safe and welcoming environment for our entire TBS community. In recent years we have taken many steps to make our building more secure, implementing new...Read more...

Executive Director's Report

03/16/2023 10:39:24 AM


Ron Safier, Executive Director

March 16, 2023

It was 3 years ago this past Monday that we shut down the building for what we thought would only be a two-week closure. Little did we know that we would be closed for several months and things would never really be the same. The world is now a different place and a lot has changed for TBS in many ways, including how we gather, how we communicate, how we engage, and how we keep our community safe. These are some of the areas...Read more...

Staff Security Training

03/09/2023 11:27:33 AM


Ron Safier, Executive Director

February 9, 2023

Run, hide, or fight? These are the options one must consider if faced with the unthinkable. Not a pleasant thought, but we have to think about it, and we have to prepare.  And that is exactly what we did last Thursday evening as members of the JFED security team conducted active shooter drills with more than 60 members of our faculty, staff, and clergy.  We started with a full staff discussion on the Run/Hide/Fight...Read more...

Tue, February 18 2025 20 Shevat 5785