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We Stand with Israel
TBS Stands with Israel
Resources and Tools for You and Your Family
Take a Stand with AIPAC – Tell House Members to cosponsor a new resolution standing with Israel.
Take 45 seconds to urge America’s leaders to continue speaking out in support of our ally.
Text “Israel” to 24722 to contact members of Congress and the administration and encourage them to provide Israel with the security, diplomatic, and material support that only America can provide. For more on how you can support congressional action, visit www.aipac.org/act.
ADL- Stay informed and take action- Tell the Senate to confirm a US Ambassdor to Israel immediately.
The Am Yisrael Hai Fund directly impacts our family in Israel and:
- Empowers learners of all ages in our TBS family to be proud Jews who stand with Israel and the Jewish people
- Supports students on campuses
- Provides programming and support for our community and in Israel
Click here to make an online donation or send a check payable to Temple Beth Sholom, 1901 Kresson Road Cherry Hill, NJ 08003, indicating the Am Yisrael Hai Fund in the memo field.
TBS Security Fund - Offset TBS' basic security costs
Masorti Purim Mitzvah Campaign - If you’re looking to fulfill the Mitzvah of Matanot L’Evyonim (gifts for those in need) and Mishloach Manot (food gifts) please consider donating Masorti's two Purim campaigns: Care packages for lone soldiers and assisting evacuees from Northern and Southern Israel.
Organizations from TBS Mission to Israel with Rabbi Peltz - February 2024
- Rebuild Kfar Aza – We visited this kibbutz that is on the border with Gaza and saw the desecration and destruction that was perpetrated by Hamas there on October 7.
- Thank Israeli Soldiers – We brought and packed donations for Israeli soldiers at this wonderful organization based in Jerusalem that takes requests from soldiers currently serving and delivers the items directly to their bases.
- Tachlit – We packed fresh produce at their Jerusalem warehouse that will be distributed to families in need. Over 1800 food baskets are given to families weekly.
- Reuth Rehabilitation Hospital – This is a public hospital in Tel Aviv that is owned and operated by the non-profit Reuth Foundation. It provides a wide range of rehab and geriatric services for all Israelis.
- Project 24 – Project 24 seeks to support people from the 24 communities in the south that were attacked by Hamas on October 7 by creating self-empowerment for those in need. They are not seeking tzedakah, but rather members. You can join for $24 to support their work, and you can also find other evolving opportunities to help. We are working on bringing the leadership of Project 24 to TBS to learn more about how we can help.
- Bring Them Home Now – This organization is dedicated to advocating for the release of the Israeli hostages being held by Hamas, as well as providing resources for their families, including mental health counseling, legal help, diplomatic resources, and food.
- Kehilat Ma’ayanot –This is our Sister Synagogue in Jerusalem who welcomed us warmly for Shabbat services and also hosted us in their homes for Shabbat lunch.
Jewish Federations of North America Israel Emergency Fund – Supports Federation partners in Israel to help victims of terror, rebuild damaged infrastructure, and address the unprecedented levels of trauma caused by this horrific attack.
Kehilat Ma’ayanot-Shopping with Love ❤️ - an emergency care initiative providing swift relief to displaced families, survivors, and evacuees.
NA’AMAT is the largest women’s organization in Israel, at the forefront of improving the lives of thousands of women, children, and families through a critical network of women’s health and rights centers, a domestic violence shelter, daycare centers, youth villages, high schools, scholarship funds, legal aid bureaus, and more.
Donations made to the emergency fund will be allocated to support students, families, facilities, and staff with the most immediate needs.
Ramah Israel Relief and Support Fund
To support ongoing efforts in Israel, including those impacting our Ramah community, Ramah Israel has launched the Ramah Israel Relief and Support Fund. These funds will be used to purchase and directly distribute to the IDF essential items such as military-grade clothing, medical supplies, toiletries, field mattresses, and sleeping bags.
Jewish Funders Network - A list of trusted agencies and nonprofits supported by our members both in Israel and the US. This list is going to be updated and amended daily as more information becomes available.
Magen David Adom - Israel’s national emergency medical service, is on the frontlines of saving lives in Israel with emergency ambulances, boats, helicopters, and motorcycles.
Michael Levin Lone Soldier Foundation - Established by Michael’s parents, Mark and Harriet Levin, our board and staff have the ability, experience, and expertise to seek out, discover and meaningfully direct your donation to the programs and services in Israel that have the greatest impact on serving the unique needs of our lone soldiers before, during and after their service.
Friends of the IDF - Works to support soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces through empowering educational, financial, well-being, and cultural initiatives.
JGIVE National Emergency Aid Fund - Provides assistance to the victims of the recent horrific attacks and their families. All the donations collected will be distributed to charities that offer relief services, welfare, equipment, food and other necessities to the victims of the war.
Jewish Agency’s Fund for Victims of Terror - Provides immediate assistance to terror victims within 24-48 hours of attacks, as well as long term rehabilitative support.
ERAN - provides lifesaving emotional first aid services, offering initial response and emotional support on the phone and online, while maintaining strict confidentiality and anonymity.
Lunch and Learn: Live from Israel - Recordings
Conversation with Rena Magun, Past President of Kehillat Ma'ayanot, in Jerusalem; and Shanee Benkin - 12/12/23
Conversation with Rabbi Arie Hasit - 11/28/23
Conversation with Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Brody - Executive Director of Ematai: The Ethics of War: Jewish Values and Israel’s Dilemma
October 31, 2023
Conversation with Betsalel Steinhart, Ramah Israel Institute Director
October 17, 2023
Israel Healing Service
Recorded on October 19, 2023 - click here to view
With special guest Hadar Orshalimy
Click here to view A Prayer for Israel in This Time of War, by Rabbi Naomi Levy
Ramah Israel Relief and Support Fund
To support ongoing efforts in Israel, including those impacting our Ramah community, Ramah Israel has launched the Ramah Israel Relief and Support Fund. These funds will be used to purchase and directly distribute to the IDF essential items such as military-grade clothing, medical supplies, toiletries, field mattresses, and sleeping bags.
Israeli News Sources
Antisemitism and Misinformation: Tools for Understanding
Antisemitism, Bias and Misinformation on Social Media, Anti-Defamation League
A Toolkit for Fighting Back Online, Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia
Helping Students Make Sense of News Stories about Bias and Injustice, Anti-Defamation League
10 Ways to Have Conscientious Conversations on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Anti-Defamation League
Teaching Materials on Antisemitism and Racism, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Resources for Parents
Talking to Your Children about Israel in a Time of Crisis, Jewish Education Project
War Dictionary - What to Say When There are No Words, Goshen.org
How to talk to your children about violence in Israel, Jewish Education Project
Diverse Narratives, iCenter, an organization committed to transforming the professional field of Israel Education
Videos to Help Parents and Kids Talk About Scary Situations, PJ Library
Teaching About Israel in a Time of Crisis,The Jewish Educator Portal
Teen Perspectives: Antisemitism & Teen Wellbeing, Moving Traditions.org
Judaic Arts and Crafts to Share with Your Children, Kuvinoren.com
Op-Ed Articles
Op-Ed: This war is just even though it’s brutal. Jewish leaders need to be ready to defend it, by Yehuda Kurtzer
A message from Rabbi Peltz
Dear TBS Family,
Together we are all sorting through the sadness, shock, and anger at the ruthless violence perpetrated against our brothers and sisters in Israel by Hamas terrorists. The stories are horrifying, and we stand with Israel in its mourning and its response. There are no two sides to this story. Jews were viciously murdered in their homes, and soldiers and civilians, including children and the elderly, were taken captive. We pray for their safety and security, and look towards how we can help.
As the Talmud teaches, all of Israel is responsible for one another. We will do our best to share resources, including resources for parents, links to help you take political action, tzedakot, and opportunities to help Israel, and also to support the anguish that many of us are feeling. There are those in our community who have lost loved ones, have friends and family serving in the army, and who live in Israel. Even if you don’t have a direct personal connection, we are all impacted by the loss, as well as the images and stories from Israel. The situation there weighs on us all.
All of Israel is responsible for each other, and we are fortunate to have a strong community with many people and organizations that can help. Our clergy, staff and leadership are here for you. Our services, kiddush lunches, schools, and programs are all opportunities to be together and to support one another. We are grateful to have wonderful partner organizations in our community that are also a tremendous help.
Hazak v’Amatz – Be strong and have courage, and we will continue to move through this together.
Rabbi Peltz
Video: South Jersey Jewish Community Israel Solidarity Gathering, October 10, 2023 at Temple Beth Sholom

Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
The TBS website was made possible by a generous donation from the TBS Endowment Fund.
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