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Letters from Israel

11/06/2023 11:58:54 AM


This page will be updated regularly.  Follow along on our clergy's journeys to Israel, to bring hizuk (strength) and support to our brothers and sisters in Israel. 


Mission to Israel with Rabbi Wexler

06/24/2024 10:03:27 AM


Rabbi Bryan Wexler

June 24-30, 2024

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Mission to Israel - Travel Journal


Shabbat - Our Final Day in IsraelTuesday, Jul 2 3:34pm Read MoreDay 4 - Hope for Israel's FutureFriday, Jun 28 10:26am Read MoreHelping Hands, Bearing Witness, Giving Hugs - Israel Day 3Friday, Jun 28 9:50am Read More More Posts >>


Ten Takeaways from My Trip About Israel

02/29/2024 11:59:03 AM


Rabbi Bryan Wexler

Shalom from Israel!  I have been in Israel since Monday and return to Cherry Hill overnight this evening.  It has been a quick but certainly important trip to Israel, probably the most important and impactful time I have ever spent here.  I am grateful to our Jewish Federation of Southern New Jersey for planning this solidarity mission and I am grateful to my TBS family, all of you, for supporting my being on the mission and...Read more...

Rabbi Wexler's Day 3 Reflections

02/28/2024 12:14:07 PM


Rabbi Bryan Wexler

Today was the hardest day of the trip, but so incredibly important. Today we traveled South to communities near Gaza, and ultimately to the Gaza Envelope. First, we went to...Read more...

Rabbi Wexler's Reflections from Day 2

02/27/2024 12:09:07 PM


Rabbi Bryan Wexler

Day 2 of our Solidarity Mission to Israel was certainly powerful and impactful.  We began this morning with an emotional meeting with Jacqui and Yaron Vital whose daughter, Adi...Read more...

Rabbi Wexler in Israel - Day 1

02/26/2024 12:01:12 PM


Rabbi Bryan Wexler

I have only been in Israel for a few hours but a few observations:

1. Israel does not feel the same.  Everything feels subdued and...Read more...

We Are Back

02/20/2024 02:38:50 PM


Rabbi Micah Peltz

Dear TBS Family, 

Our TBS Israel Mission has returned from an incredibly powerful week in Israel.  I have been blessed to travel to Israel many times, but I have never had as many meaningful experiences as I had on this trip.  I hope that you were able to come with us by following our updates on Facebook and on the...Read more...

A final message from Israel from Rabbi Peltz

02/20/2024 10:26:07 AM


After a beautiful Shabbat in Jerusalem it is time for the TBS Israel Mission to head home.  One of the highlights of Shabbat was davening with our Sister Synagogue Kehillat Ma’ayanot.  They are so grateful for all of the support we have given them to help...Read more...

TBS Mission to Israel - Day 4

02/16/2024 10:15:54 AM


Rabbi Micah Peltz

We started our fourth day today thinking about the early Zionist thinker AD Gordon, who called for people to come to Israel “,” to build and to be built.”  He was referring to working the land, which he thought would both establish communities in Israel...Read more...

TBS Israel Mission Day 3

02/15/2024 10:04:59 AM


Rabbi Micah Peltz

On the first day of our mission we confronted the horrors of October 7. The second day was about the incredibly resilient responses. And now on the third day we delved into the lasting effects and challenges that make most Israelis feel like they are still waiting for...Read more...

Reflections from Rabbi Peltz from the second day of our TBS Israel Mission:

02/14/2024 06:20:07 PM


Yesterday we revisited the terrible events of October 7. Today to focus was on how we respond to terror and tragedy. Not only by asking why, but asking what we can do to help. We stayed in Jerusalem and spent most of the time volunteering and listening. It was a...Read more...

Day 1 - TBS Israel Mission

02/13/2024 02:58:31 PM


Rabbi Micah Peltz

Our TBS Israel Mission just completed our first day in Israel.  We started by revisiting the terrible attacks committed by Hamas terrorists against Israeli civilians and soldiers on October 7.  It was important for us to see with our own eyes the destruction...Read more...

Am Yisrael Hai!

02/12/2024 10:39:45 AM


Rabbi Micah Peltz

Today our TBS Mission departs for Israel! The 15 people on this mission represent our entire community. We will spend the next five days bearing witness, volunteering, and hearing stories. We will travel south to visit Kibbutz Kfar Aza and other places devastated by Hamas on...Read more...

A Tale of Two Cities

12/22/2023 09:23:50 AM


Rabbi Steven Lindemann

Israel is at war, but you wouldn’t know that walking along to beach in Tel Aviv. There wasn’t one “red alert” while I was there. The joggers and bikers were out in force, and you have to be careful not to get run over. ...Read more...

Welcome. We Surround You With Love

12/20/2023 11:23:15 AM


Rabbi Steven Lindemann

The title translates the Hebrew words written on a tent at the entrance to a respite center for IDF soldiers. They come here when...Read more...

Last Night

12/18/2023 09:30:57 AM


Rabbi Steven Lindemann

I spent the last night of Hanukkah with my friends Uri and Orital, as planned. Two of their daughters and their families were also there. As we were preparing to light the candles, both girls recalled that Jane and I had given them each a Menorah as wedding...Read more...


12/15/2023 10:48:35 AM


Rabbi Steven Lindemann

Arrival: Very different this time. First thing I saw coming up the ramp from the plane posted below. If a picture is worth a thousand words, what is there too say about 137 pictures?...Read more...

Lighting the Candles in the Air

12/13/2023 10:41:24 AM


Rabbi Steven Lindemann

A Hanukkah Moment 
How do you light the Hanukkah candles when you are on a plane to Israel? I had never thought about that. Then, I was invited to help make a minyan for Ma'ariv. It’s easy...Read more...

Reflections on the Masorti Mission to Israel

11/13/2023 02:35:27 PM


Rabbi Micah Peltz

Dear TBS Family, 

This past Shabbat I spoke about my experience in Israel on the Masorti Movement Leadership Solidarity Mission. It was a very difficult yet important few days. I witnessed both the terrible destruction of lives and property wrought by Hamas terrorists on October 7, and also the incredible resilience of Israeli society. You can watch the video of my reflections from the trip that I shared at...Read more...

Am ehad im lev ehad, One Nation One Heart

11/08/2023 04:50:24 PM


Rabbi Micah Peltz

It’s been a whirlwind 60 hours here in Israel. Thanks to everyone for joining me by following updates here and for all of the wonderful messages of support. I also want to thank the The Masorti Movement In Israel-התנועה...Read more...

Torah is a Tree of Life

11/07/2023 04:40:52 PM


Rabbi Micah Peltz

As I end my second day in Israel, I am still processing everything I saw and heard in the southern communities.  So much loss, trauma, and anger at what happened.  Instead of sharing more details about that at the moment, I’d like to share something else that speaks to the incredible spirit and resilience of the amazing people of Israel.  

Our last stop today was Shura, which is an army base for the Chief Rabbinate of...Read more...

One Month

11/07/2023 08:00:40 AM


Rabbi Micah Peltz

Today marks one month since Hamas terrorists infiltrated Israel.  In Judaism, 30 days is the shloshim period of mourning.  It is at this point, after the loss of a loved one, that mourners, with the exception of children for parents, cross yet another...Read more...


11/06/2023 11:53:43 PM


Rabbi Micah Peltz

This is a hard post to write.  That’s because our last part of our first day here focused on the hostages.  At the moment, Israel believes that there are 242 hostages being held in Gaza.  I say believes because no one is really quite sure how many hostages there are.  Every Friday the government publishes a new list where they adjust the total.  This is because of the long and difficult process of identifying...Read more...

Amazing People - Doing Important Work

11/06/2023 11:15:43 AM


Rabbi Micah Peltz

After landing and making it through customs with A LOT of donations, we headed to the Masorti Movement headquarters in Lod.  There we heard from Rakefet Ginsburg, the CEO of the Masorti Movement in Israel, about the important work...Read more...

At Ben Gurion

11/06/2023 10:02:47 AM


Rabbi Micah Peltz

Walked off the plane into Israel through a line of posters of the 240 Israeli hostages in Gaza. Included here is a picture of Yuval (8) and Ofri (10), two of the four members of the Brodutch being held hostage and for whom we have our empty...Read more...

The Same. But Different.

11/06/2023 02:06:02 AM


Rabbi Micah Peltz

Landed, but differently. I am used to seeing the beaches and buildings of Tel Aviv when we finally see land after the long flight. This time was different. Now the land below us was in the area of Haifa, further north.  We then banked right, and headed into Ben Gurion airport.  For obvious reasons. 
We applauded when we touched down. 
It feels the same, but different.  I think there will be more of that to...Read more...

Here we go.

11/05/2023 04:00:47 PM


Rabbi Micah Peltz

Getting ready to board the plane to Tel Aviv.  It’s a full flight with many people coming to volunteer and to give hizuk and support. I was able to check two bags full of donations, with more in my carry ons, and we will ship...Read more...

Sun, October 27 2024 25 Tishrei 5785