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Summer Shul

Summer Shul!  

Beginning July 6, 2024, our Shabbat morning service will meet in the Joel A. Rose Chapel/Jenofsky Beit Midrash. 

TBS is blessed with many rabbis who are members of our congregation! Join us this summer as they share their Torah at services on the following Shabbat mornings:


July 13 – Rabbi Michael Katz, Rabbi Emeritus of Temple Beth Torah in Westbury, NY
July 20 – Rabbi Joel Seltzer, Vice Chancellor for Development at the Jewish Theological Seminary 
July 27 – Rabbi Alicia Rothamel, Last year's TBS Rabbinic Intern and 5th Year Rabbinical Student at JTS
August 10 -- Rabbi Nathan Weiner, Director of Jewish Outreach and Engagement at the Jewish Federation of Southern New Jersey 

Join us for a more informal service with singing, learning, celebration and refreshments!

Dress: Shabbat Summer Casual


Livestream available:

Joel A. Rose Chapel/Jenofsky Beit Midrash Livestream

Siddur Lev Shalem Shabbat morning service can be found HERE or can be purchased at the TBS office for $54 each.
Siddur Lev Shalem Minha Ma'ariv service can be found here.
Siddur Lev Shalem Kabbalat Shabbat service can be found here.

Screen sharing is not available in the Livestream format; therefore Siddur Lev Shalem will need to be obtained in advance.

Tue, February 18 2025 20 Shevat 5785