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Help Ukraine

Ukrainian Refugees:  Update from Krakow with Jonathan Ornstein, Executive Director of the Krakow JCC
On March 24th Jonathan spoke about efforts on the ground in Krakow to help Ukrainian Refugees and what we can do to help. Click here for a recording of the presentation.

Click here for Jonathan's bio. To donate to the Friends of JCC Krakow Ukraine Crisis Appeal click here.


Please consider donating to help the people of Ukraine.

JDC – Joint Distribution Committee (Assists Jews in Ukraine and Refugees)

JAFI – Jewish Agency for Israel (Assists Jews in Ukraine and Refugees to Israel)

Masorti – Provides support to our Congregations in Ukraine and Congregations in EU receiving refugees

JFSJ – Jewish Federation of Southern New Jersey (Sending aid)

HIAS – Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (Assisting all refugees)

UNICEF – United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund

CARE – Food and Medical relief

Sunflower of Peace – First Aid and Medical Supplies

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784