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Tempus Fugit

06/22/2023 11:00:23 AM


Ron Safier, Executive Director

This Sunday evening marks the eighth Yahrzeit of my mom’s passing. Feels like it was just last summer. Amazing how fast time is flying (Tempus Fugit is the Latin term for time flies in case you were wondering). Of course I will light a Yahrzeit candle and recite the Mourner’s Kaddish. And if I can carve out the time, I will make the 15-hour drive to Long Island (slight exaggeration) to visit my mom’s grave site. And I will remind my 3 sisters and my 8 nephews and nieces in case they forgot. But, this year I am going to remind them in a different way, by sending them a link to my mom’s bio/photos in the TBS Interactive Yahrzeit Display Board. My family, and your family, can view photos and bios of deceased loved ones here if you have a plaque in the memorial alcove and you have sent us photos/bios of your deceased loved ones. 

So this is my shameful plug for membership renewal and purchasing a Yahrzeit plaque and/or digital Yahrzeit listing. If you have not already submitted your membership renewal for the coming year please do so ASAP (membership renewal was rolled out last month so please email if you need the online renewal link or hard copy). In the membership renewal packet this year we included information about purchasing Yahrzeit plaques in the Lenett/Whinston Memorial Alcove which includes a digital listing on the interactive Yahrzeit display board that is located on the Wall of Remembrance Dedicated by Judy & Bernie Platt and Family. More information can be found here  for purchasing a Yahrzeit plaque with a digital listing, and there is plenty of time to get this in place for Yom Kippur. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or if you would like a demo. 

Wishing you a Shabbat Shalom, and I look forward to seeing you in shul! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, you can always reach out to me at or (856) 751-6663 x218.
Ron Safier
Executive Director 

Thu, May 9 2024 1 Iyyar 5784