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Am ehad im lev ehad, One Nation One Heart

11/08/2023 04:50:24 PM


Rabbi Micah Peltz

It’s been a whirlwind 60 hours here in Israel. Thanks to everyone for joining me by following updates here and for all of the wonderful messages of support. I also want to thank the The Masorti Movement In Israel-התנועה המסורתית בישראל for putting together this very important and moving trip. There is so much to share, so I hope you will join us in Shul this Shabbat morning where I will reflect on my experiences. Additionally, this Shabbat after kiddish in the Rose Chapel/Jenofsky Beit Midrash we will continue the conversation. I hope you will be able to join me.

One thought as I am preparing to head home. Our delegation met with President Isaac Herzog and his wife Michal today. What was striking about the meeting is that he first asked us to share what we have seen in our communities since 10/7. We shared our communities dedication to Israel, the antisemitism our kids have encountered in their schools and on college campuses, the influx of Israeli refugees Into our Jewish Day Schools, the tremendous generosity, and so on. President Herzog heard our concerns and offered suggestions for how to address them. He even shared with us a letter he wrote to University Presidents about the terrible antisemitism on college campuses. He then spoke about Israel’s trauma from the horrific Hamas attacks and its resolve to wage war on Hamas while following international law. What was deeply apparent from the conversation, like from this whole trip, is how inextricably linked we are. Jews around the world and Jews in Israel need each other. At this moment we are am ehad im lev ehad, one nation with one heart. Our challenge is to maintain this sense of responsibility to one another and this sense of closeness as time goes on. Those of us who remember the unity in America in the weeks after 9/11, and then how it broke down in the months that followed, know how challenging this is. But that doesn’t have to be our experience. We each have to work at it, but despite our differences, but this has reminded us how we are one people, and we need each other.

So much more to say, but now I am going to get ready to board my flight and head home. I look forward to seeing you back at TBS soon, and to continue to work to support Israel in this time of need.

#MasortiMissiontoIsrael #MasortiSolidarityMission

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784