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Reflections from Rabbi Peltz from the second day of our TBS Israel Mission:

02/14/2024 06:20:07 PM


Yesterday we revisited the terrible events of October 7. Today to focus was on how we respond to terror and tragedy. Not only by asking why, but asking what we can do to help. We stayed in Jerusalem and spent most of the time volunteering and listening. It was a powerful day and we were grateful to have the opportunity to make a little difference. We did this with our hands and also with the tzedakah that has been generously donated to TBS to help those in need in Israel. I’m proud to say that we were able to do that today.

Here is a reflection from Lisa Feingold about our experiences:

“Today was about giving back and learning more about what happened next and the extraordinary people who lead the way.

We started the morning at an organization called Thank Israeli Soliders. This is a grass roots organization that gets supplies to soldiers and gets it to them fast. We worked together to fulfill orders and pack essentials for the IDF. One of the most special parts of the morning was meeting Rivka. Rivka stood up on a chair and told her story about how she lost a loved one at the Nova festival, while at the same time her son was able to save so many others there - her resilience and strength was beyond inspiring. She devotes her life to this work and that she decided to focus on the things she can control and giving back and helping is way she does just that.

We then went to a place called Tachlit. Tachlit works tirelessly to provide fresh fruits and vegetables to those in need and has shifted gears to ensure displaced families and families of those in the army have the food they need. David, one of the leaders of this organization, sat with us to share more and said that since the war they have added an additional 400 families that they provide food for. He hugged us as we said goodbye and said we are all partners in this mission now to be there for one another.

The end of the day brought us to a place in Jerusalem where we packed over 200 mishloach manot for a unit who has not come home in 4 months. It was extra meaningful for me as I brought along 200 letters from our students at Kellman Brown Academy. One read “you are strong and you are brave, you can do this! It can be scary but you can do it.” Written by a 9 year old. One of the volunteers cried as she read these letters and I was so proud that each soldier would get these notes to show our love and support for them. We spent the rest of the night eating together with an amazing group of soldiers. It was really moving to sit and get to personally know these amazing soldiers who are the backbone of Israel.

At each stop every person we met thanked us so deeply for being here- I am the one who is forever grateful to have met them and feel so lucky to have this opportunity to show them how much we support them and how we stand strong with Am Yisrael!”

Thanks Lisa. As you can see it was a very meaningful day. It also included lunch with Yizhar Hess, the Vice Chair of the World Zionist Organization, who reflected on the state of the country right now and they way in switch we are partners in moving Israel forward. Part of that is helping support Mercaz, the Conservative Movement’s Zionist arm, in the elections for the World Zionist Congress next year. We will be talking more about that in the coming months.

We also had a very meaningful visit to the Kotel. When we arrived we found that there were hundred of paratroopers there preparing for their swearing in ceremony. It was so moving to see these young soldiers and their families hug and pass along Tupperwares of food from mother to soldier. They have to eat!

Tomorrow we head to Tel Aviv to learn more about the ongoing challenges stemming from October 7, including a visit to Hostages Square. Thanks for reading and for all your support and comments. More to come tomorrow.

Thu, May 9 2024 1 Iyyar 5784