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Sukkot & Simhat Torah
Celebrating Sukkot & Simhat Torah
Hoshanah Rabbah
Friday, October 6
7:00am - Festival Morning Services - Joel A. Rose Chapel/Jenofsky Beit Midrash - In-person and Zoom
6:15pm Minha and Shemini Atzeret Ma’ariv Service - Joel A. Rose Chapel/Jenofsky Beit Midrash - In-person and Live Stream
Saturday, October 7
9:30am - Morning Services with Yizkor - Main Sanctuary - In-person and Live Stream
Minha after Kiddush
7:00pm - Simhat Torah Service and Celebration! - Main Sanctuary - In-person and Live Stream
- Join us as we dance, sing, and celebrate with the Torah at our Congregational Simhat Torah Service!
- Special roles for teens in the Congregational Service
- Enjoy delicious treats after the service!
Simhat Torah
Sunday, October 8
9:30am - Festival Morning Services and Celebration - Main Sanctuary - In-person and Live Stream
10:30am Family Service for students of all ages - Joel A. Rose Chapel/Jenofsky Beit Midrash - In-person
- Participants in the Family Service will join the congregational service in the sanctuary for hakafot, Torah parade, special blessings, and an aliyah to the Torah. Bring your Simhat Torah flag for our celebration!
- Snacks and activities after the family aliyot
- Congregational Kiddush Luncheon after services
On Simhat Torah we finish reading the Torah and immediately begin reading it again. Being called to the Torah for an aliyah for the last portion we read in the book of Deuteronomy and for the first portion we read in the book of Genesis are honors reserved for those who have helped our community live Torah’s values. Join us as we honor the 5784 Temple Beth Sholom Kallat Torah and Hatan Beresheet: Arielle Davis & Ben Landsburg and Laura & Richard Walters. Kiddush luncheon after services
6:30pm - Minha and Ma’ariv - Joel A. Rose Chapel/Jenofsky Beit Midrash - In-person and Live Stream
Sukkah Mural and Dedication
We are proud to officially unveil our new mural in the Gottschalk Family Sukkah! TBS member Laura Walters, along with Brad Carney, an artist with Mural Arts Philadelphia, engaged people of all ages from our TBS Family last year to dream together about this new mural. What has emerged it truly beautiful! The theme of the mural is Sukkot, and embedded in it are images that congregants of all ages created with Laura and Brad that depict the seven species from Israel, the mitzvot of Sukkot, Ushpizin, and even wildlife from Israel and New Jersey. We are so grateful to Laura and Richard Walters and their family for supporting this project, the third mural they have helped us create with Brad here at TBS! After service on Sunday, October 8, Laura will share the inspiration behind the many wonderful pieces on the mural. We hope you can join us to celebrate the dedication of this fantastic new addition to TBS, which we will use to teach and learn about Sukkot for many years to come!
Resources and Learning
Led by Rabbi Peltz, Rabbi Wexler, Rabbi Lindemann, Cantor Cohen, and special guests
Holy and AWE-some: The Rhythm of the High Holy Days
In this three session series, we will explore themes and teachings from Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot, each dedicated session before the holiday itself.
Next session: Tuesday, October 3 at 12:30pm
In-person at Temple Beth Sholom
Tue, February 18 2025
20 Shevat 5785

Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
The TBS website was made possible by a generous donation from the TBS Endowment Fund.
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